ePosters have revolutionized the way scientific content is presented at conferences. They have slowly replaced the paper poster format and will definitely become the norm in the years to come.

Poster authors can now share the result of their work in a modern way and can benefit from all the advanced functionlities that technology has to offer.

What are the advantages of using ePosters ?

Beyond their scientifc value, ePosters can be a real channel for content promotion for your audience.

Its format is extremely flexible and can catch and retain your participants’ attention more easily. You can integrate animations and videos and you can zoom in on specific areas of the ePosters when displayed on touchscreens, making the content all the more engaging and dynamic.

Implementing an ePoster solution also means disseminating your authors’ scientific content in a modern and efficient manner.

For organisers on the other hand it represents a boost in productivity thanks to a few key improvements:

  • Simplified logistics, no printing, less rental space for the display of a larger quantity of posters!
  • The content is easy to publish after the event
  • Presenters also benefit from pushed back deadlines and last minute updates

Contact us today to learn more!